The special flood hazard areas displayed should be used for reference purposes only. The official 2009 and 2013 dated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and 2013 Flood Insurance Study (FIS) should be used for floodplain determinations.
FEMA issued Letters of Map Change are on file in the Department of Planning Services. Please contact the Department of Planning Services at (260)-449-7607 to review the 2009 and 2013 dated FIRMs, 2013 FIS, and Letters of Map Change.
Data illustrated on this website is based on the best available information found in and derived from historical records and field investigations. Questionable data found on this site should be directed to the Allen County Surveyor for clarification.
This material is provided as information only and is not intended to be used for any legal definition. Actual locations, elevations, relative coordinate values, or locations relative to real property boundaries are the responsibility of the user.
Allen County offers no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy of these representations.
The red stars that display are for general reference purposes only and should not be relied upon without first contacting the Department of Planning Services at (260)-449-7607 and reviewing the official BZA/ZHO case file.